Painful Relationships Can Cause Serious Heart Problems

Lisa was terrified that she was going to die. She was trapped in her bed with severe heart problems. For seven years, she was struggling with an abusive husband. Even though her condition was treated with operations, medication, and regular doctor visits, Lisa was getting worse.
The 66-year-old woman had not been dealing with her emotional pain. When the heart is having a problem, the emotional causes are issues about love. A healthy heart expresses self-love, and love for and from others. Whereas, self-hate, hurt, rejection, verbal and physical abuse, can be contributing factors to heart problems.
To heal her heart condition, it is important for Lisa to have a healthy diet, exercise appropriately, reduce stress, overcome addictions, and be treated by a medical professional. However, it is also vital to heal her childhood pain, love herself, and create a healthy, loving relationship.
Lisa was able to release her anger at her husband constructively by imagining that she was beating up a pillow and expressing what she was furious about. Then she forgave him and felt compassion. Lisa realized that he was wounded emotionally, and he was acting out his pain that had nothing to do with her. She understood that she would feel better if she stayed in her loving heart and did not take what he said or did personally. She also did the same healing with her abusive father, brother, ex-boyfriends and two ex-husbands.
The retired school counselor felt happier and had more energy. In fact, Lisa was able to get out of bed and go outside to shop and see friends. She was planning how she could leave her abusive marriage. Lisa no longer felt trapped in bed or in her relationship.
Another example of emotional problems causing physical heart disease is forty-year-old Mike's story. The business man was stressed about his failing company and marital problems. His wife wanted a divorce. Mike's doctor had prescribed medication and expressed his concerns about his heart.
Mike was able to heal the childhood pain he had from abusive parents and previous rejecting women. He was also able to hear his wife's complaints and make positive changes. Mike's heart improved and he was able to reduce his medication. He was ecstatic when he received an optimistic prognosis from his doctor.
The above men and women are examples of the many people who were successful in improving their heart conditions and/or probably preventing heart disease by dealing with their emotional pain. When they released their fears and anger and loved themselves, they had a healthier emotional and physical heart. As a result, they were able to avoid or leave abusive relationships and attract loving ones. They also enabled themselves to live happier lives and to most likely extend their healthy, active years.
Copyright 2009 by Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, LMFT, a Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, author, and speaker. Her newest book, "All You Need Is HART! Create Love, Joy and Abundance- Now!" A unique guide to Holistic And Rapid Transformation, is a manual for life and helps people to "love themselves to peace" She offers short term telephone sessions, classes, teleclasses, reports, books, e-books, CDs, MP3 audios, and a free newsletter, "Healing Your Body" MP3 audio, and "Truths Set You Free" e-book., 1-888-639-6390.

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