Antioxidant Rich Superfoods For Heart Health

Antioxidants are nutrients - vitamins, minerals and enzymes, that help fight against oxidation caused by free radicals, the daily pollutants we encounter. Oxidation is a normal damaging process to the cells in our bodies which can lead to degenerative diseases such as cancer and heart disease if they are present in the body for too long of a time. By consuming a proper diet of the antioxidant rich Superfoods we can keep the free radicals in check and prevent heart damage.
Superfoods are fresh unprocessed, brightly colored fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants in these foods can prevent and repair cell damage caused by the free radicals. Some transport oxygen and act as blood thinners which helps to prevent blood clots. And some are anti-inflammatory and help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Here are some of the best Superfoods for heart health.
Avocados although high in fat prevent cholesterol absorption.
Blueberries prevent blood clots, reduce artery inflammation and help lower cholesterol.
Broccoli, carrots and cauliflower prevent inflammation and lowers cholesterol.
Dark Chocolate, 60% or higher cocoa content can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.
Flaxseed reduces triglyceride levels and lowers blood pressure.
Garlic in high doses may thin the blood, reducing clotting, and lowering cholesterol.
Green tea contains EGCG which can lower cholesterol and prevent damage to the heart muscle.
Nuts - walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts can lower cholesterol, pine nuts can protect against arrhythmia.
Oatmeal - whole grain not refined, can lower cholesterol.
Pomegranate juice can reduce the plaque in arteries and help reduce blood pressure.
Sweet Potatoes can lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. Be sure to have regular health screenings and be aware of your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers. Take care of yourself and your health by not smoking, adding exercise and eating healthy, a diet full of the Superfoods that can help you prevent heart disease.
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Hi I'm Kate, Wife, Mother, Artist and Internet Entrepreneur. I recently suffered Stress Induced Heart Failure which has left me searching for the changes I need to make in order to live a long, full, happy life. I hope to share with my readers the discoveries I make along this journey.

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