How to Save Your Heart From the Heat

During this weather, Diuretics water pills are used to reduce fluid retention in patients with heart failure, may actually cause dehydration, this in Dturn results in huge reduction of water levels in body and may result in death.
However, patients should be warned against drinking large amount of fluids recommended to the general public during heating spells, as this could add significant stress on heart and the cardiovascular system.
Keep your cools, individuals with heart disease should follow the same guidance as healthy individuals, but with extra helping of precaution.
Stay inside during the hottest part of the day is the wise choice for all those having such problems. If your home is not air conditioned or air cooled, try to find some place in the house that is the coolest like basement. Limit your outdoor activities. Wear loose fittings, light cotton clothing. Stay hydrated and avoid caffeine and alcohol. Have someone check in on your health.
Anyone with heart problems or high blood pressure experiencing symptoms like heavy sweating, Muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, headaches, fainting, should seek immediate medical attention and cools down by taking a cold shower immediately.
The best advice for avoiding heat stress is to keep as cool as possible. Air condition can provide lifesaving relief from heat stress, especially if you have the heart disease.
If you do not have air conditioning, spend as much time as possible in cool shopping malls, senior centers, libraries, movie theaters, or in the coolest room in your home. Indigenous methods such as air coolers, water checks, etc. are also quite effective.
Your body needs more water in hot weather do not wait until you are thirsty to have water. If you have the heart disease, check with your doctor for advice on how much water you should drink, as discussed earlier right amount of intakes at right time are vital for your heart's health.
So enjoy the summers, but stay cool.
For more tips and information on how to take care of your health, visit Http://

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